If anything my job has taught me,
it would be definitely patience and learning to manage my emotions.
Being bombarded with a heavy workload every day,
work never ends.
It is impossible to finish work when the very next day,
it all piles up again.
So after a while, I learned to take things one step at a time.
Taking it easy, handling it as it comes.
Things don't get so overwhelming this way.
I've always been the kind who needs to talk to others when I have a bad day
Especially when I face a lot of pressure, I need to talk about it.
This job has taught me self-discipline, something which I feel has made me grow in these 2 months.
I stopped talking about all the troubling matters in my life to others
And learned to handle it on my own,
be it talking to myself or in my head.
All in my own stride, and I have been able to handle it much better myself.
And I definitely share less about my life now.
In fact, I think I stopped talking much now.
A bad thing because I start keeping things to myself?
But this is how I've grown for the better. :)
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