Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Of shining stars in the dash

It never fails to remind me how every traffic jam in the morning, afternoon or night
Resembles that of the human rat race to me.
While we zoom by holding on to dear life on a dependable RXZ,
the neighbours snort at us with sideway glances
with flashy cars and hungry engines
each only too hungry to knock us out.
RXZ does not disappoint with its utility,
we zig zag our way out of the factory production lines of sardine cans
missing the bumper or boot by a nook and cranny
and wave a careless goodbye to the fat shiny thugs behind.

we may be small and cheap,
but at least we get to our destination.
Remember to think about the poor motorcyclist in the sweltering hot sun while you inconsiderably edge your way into their lanes.