Thursday, December 14, 2006

Too Fast, Too Furious.

Time flies too fast, too furious, faster than you can say 'Whaaaat?'
It's the end of term for me already, and for this week, I've attended almost all my last lectures and seminars,
notwithstanding the last Sociology of Identities lecture tomorrow, which is a module I truly adore because it gives me such a depth of understanding of myself, and possibly because there's Freud. Who could possibly hate Freud when his psychoanalytic theories are so captivating and intriguing?
Well, I guess I could possibly hate him now that I am doing a 2500 word essay on him and the pressure is on doing well because I really like this topic but I am bogged with issues like moving out, packing,other 4 essays and such.
It's mind boggling cos I've got Freud's theories on my mind all day long and I really spend every waking moment thinking about how to answer that essay with depth and in a highly stylistic way.
It's stressful and I can concur with Loon that I am a stressful and perfectionist freak.
It's hard to think when the pressure is caving in... and its 100% assessed.
and the other day, I just fell asleep reading his theories when I woke up dreaming about triangles, shapes and strawberries.
I wonder what Freud would say to that.

That said, its the last Spanish lecture I had today and I took pictures with my friends.
It's such a whirlwind affair with the Spanish language that I cannot believe I have had attended a whole year course cramped into half a year and the irony is,
I can't remember much.
Estoy no feliz.

I am so going to miss Newcastle.
Someone tell me how to stop time from slipping away,
I need to learn.

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