Life's little surprisesLife likes to play funny jokes on us, especially when we least expect it.
I realise the current job I am holding is something I applied for when I was in 3rd year in NUS. And at that point of time, I hadn't thought of doing an additional Honours year -
I was only contemplating what to do with my life but somehow, I decided to take on honours and just bumped my way along the 4th year.
After which, I applied for a graduate scheme in an airline company, following by a short editing stint. Then I realised those weren't me.
When I decided to tidy up my life, there was an opening in the main agency that I was keen on.
However, not armed with a Psychology degree but instead a Sociology one, I was offered other options in the other arms of the main agency.
And at that point of time during the second interview, I learned of the opening of my current position - which I was keen on. I took it on, and here I am,
Yet, it is strange it never rang a bell.
And here I am, in a full circle right from where I began.
x x x x x x x x x x x
Similarly, Dan's the man I met a couple of years ago, in an uncanny situation where I was visiting my ex boyfriend (who happens to be Dan's good friend) in a hospital. Our eyes met briefly but it all ended there.
Fast forward 4 years, we had an unexpected and unplanned encounter, this time with my ex boyfriend organizing a gathering, on a July evening.
And somehow, things bumped and collided and worked itself out.
And ironically, it was only during our first few meetings that I mentioned to Dan that he really looked familiar from a 4-year-ago encounter.
And there we were, realizing that we had met years ago.
Moral of the story: If you are meant to be, you are meant to be.
If you are meant to meet, there's no running away from it.
That's cos life brings you back to a full circle - unexpected, unplanned, unknowingly-
and while we never know what what's up for us in the future (distant or far), the best we can do is cherish what we have, be it our careers, our loved ones, our families, our life.