Monday, September 22, 2008

Madness begins with a "M"

... and so do Mondays.

Monday madness.
It's 7.07pm and I'm still in office.
Hardly had a time for breather throughout the day,
and even when I went for my occasional break, my work was in my hands.

Technically, I've been in office for almost more than 12 hours...
And from the looks of it, I don't think I can leave any time soon.

This is self-induced Over Time due to overwhelming workload.
I believe, I've never been so hardworking even when I was in school.

In view of how I sometimes even dream about my work, the thin fine line between sanity and insanity seems to be quite blurred.

I think I can start moving into my office soon.
I'll save lots of moo-lah on my transport, food, and most importantly, accomodation.


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