Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Very Dreaded time of the year.

Yup, it's V Day again, 
i.e. the Very Dreaded time of the year of men and women, both alike.

For singles, the over zealousness of couples in the public on this day is a turn-off and too over-the-top.
Women, either get serenaded, bombarded with gifts or are left to wonder about the true meaning of this day.

Attached men (or men in want of women) grunt and complain about how this damned day is overly-commercialised.
To this, I get tired of this grumbling because it is often the prospects of giving gifts to the one you love that daunts them.

I think that as cliched as it sounds, the true value of a gift lies in the sincerity.
You can have a bouquet of flowers from a man, but if you knew he was doing it out of absolute obligation or otherwise, the flowers would mean nothing but a bundle of petals. 
At least for me, the above is true.

A gift is something which comes from the heart, i.e. it takes time to plan and execute.
If a man manages to find time out of his busy schedules to actually plan an outing, with or without gifts, it will be sweet.
Of course, gifts will be nice, but not absolutely necessary.

Gifting your heart away. 
Sometimes, the grunts of men about their partners' expectations of them during V day is totally understandable. 
But being an absolute romantic, I believe that if one has the heart to give something, it can be done.
There is no perfect gift, in my view. 
It can be a little of your time, to spend just a little while walking with your darling on the beach.
It can be a little of your money, to splurge a little on a nice little dinner.
It can be a little effort, to plan a romantic dinner at home, perhaps with your own concocted (even burnt) dinner for her.

It can even be a girl doing the same thing for the guy. Love is about giving and receiving.

Whatever it is, it is about the heart. 
My guess is as much as a girl wants flowers, she would not appreciate it if it was done in a haste or with a lot of grumblings by the guy.

And the part about V Day being over-commercialised, I don't buy that crap.
Afterall, it becomes overdone IF you allow it to be.
I agree it is utterly sweet if a man treats you well, 24 hours, 7 days a week.
But V Day can be a day, a tad more special.
Just you and her, ignoring the world, celebrating the day of amour your own way.

Just my two cents' worth.

Of course, V day is not just about mushy "coupley love", it's about remembering why you were together in the first place, why you all stood together amidst all obstacles, and why this person still means so much to you.

Happy Valentine's Day, my friends. 
J'éspere que cet jour va très bien pour vous. =)

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