Saturday, March 19, 2005

woooo hooo!
this crazy week is over! =D
the best thing that can happen to me
in this mad mad week,
i completed 2 term papers,
1 german test, 1 german conversational test,
(3hrs) tuition for two consecutive days,
and a total of tuition everyday from 7-9 or 5-8..
got back horrendous tests marks
fell sick
felt stressed

finally its over!!
woot!! =)

ich habe nicht Freizeit (i have no free time)
in this Woche (week)
to even sleep..
slept like max 4 hrs everyday? :(

today's German conversational test was scarrry
i ended up stuttering during my individual self intro :(
but it went smoothly as me and derek tried to get into our characters
as much as we could
i had to mess it up by being less confident
and almost tripping over my all famous line in the end:
Oh, schon fast drei Uhr. Enschuldigt, aber ich muss jetzt gehen. Mein Chineisischkurs beginnt!
(Oh, its three already! Sorry, but i must leave now. My Chinese lesson starts!)

after painstakingly coming up with 5 conversations for 5 diff scenarios
feel so drained out
i really hope Frau Ritter finds our conversation gut. (good)

well, isabelle, rest tonight.
rest as much as u can

from saturday onwards
u got:

history term paper
german catching up
lit textS to be read
german vocab test coming up
german semester test 2 coming up
TS readings (one whole stack)
Soci gruppe project presentation

-pulls all my hair out-


Ich liebe nicht das Wochenende!
(I hate this Weekend!)

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