Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The sky is clear...

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...for now.

The specialist has cleared that:

I'm not going blind,

The good news is that - my corneas have been badly worn out and they need rest, pronto.
So the specialist has given me 5 types of medications for me to squeeze (urgh!) into my eyes and for me to take as much rest and avoid glares from the sun/the computer screen/the ipad/iphone/i-whatever.

The bad news is that - I thought it was my left eye acting up - but no, both my eyes are now crying for help as they have multiple holes and it's making my life very tough.

2 weeks more to a 2nd appointment - meanwhile, I am thankful that the hypochondriac me wasn't correct in self-diagnosing my symptoms as something more serious!

Here's hoping my eyes recover speedily after 10 years of abuse :(


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