Monday, June 08, 2009


When people told you that it's the process, not the end that matters in life,
they were right.

Happiness is a long destination to arrive at,
and for some, they are never ever at peace.

=) After a series of smoke smouldering, beer guzzling, eye watering events across tremendous months,
somewhere along the way,
I finally finally found closure and happiness.

And it makes me laugh that I didn't see it sooner,
Laughing at how heinous copies of words can be transferred, almost like photocopies,
It makes me laugh that I was so caught up with what I wanted to see and feel,
Laughing at how I spent my life sitting on the same damn spot trying to mend the cracks,
It makes me grow stronger
Growing stronger when the path I walked led me to a dead end
and I learned that fixation and obsession of holding on to a lifeless past only made us blind to newly opened doors.

I laugh at how silly you are,
and how dumb I am and were -
and perhaps shall be.
Your myriad of emotions,
my foolishness,
your free flowing love,
my short sightedness,
your tender words,
my soft heart,
your sweetened lips,
my indecisiveness.

Love could be transferred like in an airport terminal
It makes the transit for you perhaps easier.

The smouldering words don't leave blazened marks on me
Instead the joke is on you
I opened a can of sweetened words
which wriggled out like mushy dirty worms.
The momentary softheartedness that set me in
Not something you shall ever be able to seek in devastated eyes.

After all the rain, the eyes see clearer now.

I am finally free.
From a rusty broken lock that shut the dungeon and forced the daylight out from the heart.

Thank you for setting me free.

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