Wednesday, March 22, 2006

YAY! I am so proud of myself!
so proud of myself! so proud of myself! =)

For the first time in my NUS history,
I finished a 12 page essay 10 hours before its due!
that is to say, I can sleep in peace tonight, not staying up to burn midnight oil for that sociology paper!

the question was 'state violence, a method of governance, can descend into state terrorism'

and last nite, i stayed up til 6am to prepare but no ideas came... and so even in my sleep, ideas started to jumble and this afternoon i sat down from 3pm and ended at 11pm to finish! =) Its weird how i can complete an essay within 6 hours in a hurry on the morning the paper its due, but if i prepare in advance, i cant get any ideas down and i spend like close to a week on one paper.

And this time, I actually started way early by a week!

Okay, maybe no big deal, but i am the biggest procrastinator on earth
so this is one big achievement =)
heh. *pinches my own cheeks cos im proud of my un~laziness*

but anyway,
i still cant sleep tonight cos ive got 4 more projects to rush
8 hours of staring into computer screen, and 8 more to go!

okay, i sound over-enthu but im buried way underneath my work!!!!!


i am this close to the conclusion and i can kiss this misery goodbye. --> at 1120pm jus now.

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