Tuesday, June 28, 2005

havent updated in ages...

felt that too many things happened... its been a roller coaster ride..

sometimes very depressing cos of work,

sometimes its a brand new exhilarating high due to work achievements...

and sometimes, i see no point in blogging cos there's too much of a long story and unless you are me, noone can understand..

and i look at myself in photos, i look so crimply (crumpled and wrinkly) and so haggard :(

Maybe its the lack of sleep and its not a long lasting effect :(

2 weeks since i last updated...

so many things just happened...

time crawled past but things escalated...

pretty burnt out, dont know what to feel anymore...

mixed feelings, am i doing the right thing by quitting?

its the job i have wanted my life... and maybe even more..


im not so sure afterall

its a moral dilemma...

yes, one of my ramblings again...

its close to end of june...

need i say more.. its closer to start of school... the headache of choosing major is here again...

when u think or wish u have everything planned, it just turns out otherwise...

im finding accomplishment and satisfaction in this job, thats why its so hard to let go..

a thousand thoughts flitting past my mind now,

running incessantly... not stopping to let me breathe...

i think i need a hug :(

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